Retouching jewelry in Photoshop is an important process that can be used to make your images look more professional. It’s a very simple retouch, but it makes all the difference when you’re trying to display your work online or show off new designs with a photo slideshow. In this article we will go over how to retouch jewelry using these easy steps:

– Open up Photoshop and create a blank document
– Import the image of your jewelry
– Use the lasso tool to select each individual piece of jewelry one by one (making sure not to include any background)
– Crop out unwanted parts of the picture using the crop tool and delete them using the “x” button on the keyboard
– Duplicate the background layer
– Select retouching brush and change the opacity to 70% or your desired level
– Brush over any spots that need to be retouched with the retouching brush. Then select a new retouching brush and increase opacity (you can also use layers for redoing spots if needed)
Retouches should be subtle so as not to distract from the jewelry itself. Apply a light, natural-looking touch-up by brushing over scratches, stains, smudges, or fingerprints using an appropriate-sized soft paintbrush cursor on your computer screen. For example: If there is a scratch on one of your earrings then just run your retouching tool slowly along where it might have been at some point during its making or just retouch the scratch on your retouched jewelry.
The final step is to crop out any excess space around your retouched jewelry. This will make it look like you have a more professional hanging display for all of your artwork in Photoshop! The last thing we need to do after cropping our image is saved it as a jpg and upload it to Facebook or Instagram with descriptions about how retouching can help make great-looking jewelry photography!
Now that you know how simple retouching jewelry really can be, give this article a read if want some tips for using Photoshop at home too! It’s easy enough even beginners can learn quickly so get started today and see what these steps might mean when trying to showcase new designs
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