April 1, 2024

Shadow Creation Service: Everything You Need To Know

The shadow is the proof of authenticity of any photo and also enhances its attractiveness. That’s why, for online and eCommerce sites, adding or editing shadow for their product images is of prime importance. The shadow on the background and around the product tells about its authenticity and boosts its look.

Hence, shadow creation service is a growing Photoshop category, and it isn’t going to end soon. As an eCommerce or online shop owner, you want your product image to look immaculate, and shadow creation can do it with ease.

However, your shop might have hundreds or thousands of products, and adding the perfect shadow for all product images might be a daunting task. Thankfully, shadow creation and optimization service providers can do the task for you. Also, professional photo editors will render better shadow creation for you than anyone else.

From the natural shadow, adding to drop shadow editing, professional service providers will make your product images sharper, better and nicer that would grab the attention of your clients. So, you will see a terrific boost in your sales.

What Is Shadow Creation Service?

When it comes to Shadow Creation, many people are often confused about its application and what the process means actually. Hence, we decided to bring the shadow creation, definition, and how it works to help you know it properly.

In short, shadow creation refers to adding or dropping, shadow to any images using any photo editing software. It is a popular and widely used photo editing technique. The process allows you to add a shadow to the entire image or a specific object within the image. The aim of creating or editing shadow on any image is to make it look more realistic and enhance its attractiveness to the viewers.

The shadow creation is important because, in proper lighting conditions, every image renders a shadow. Sadly, in most cases, when you capture the image of any object or product, due to unavoidable reasons, most cameras will fail to capture the actual shadow of the product image.

Hence, the image looks unrealistic, and also, the lack of its shadow, the image loses its charm. Thus, a product image without a proper shadow looks dull.

It means your customers are less likely to get attracted by the shadow-less image of the products. That’s why you need to add a shadow to most product images using photo editing software. Primarily, editors will use Photoshop for the shadow creation process. However, there’s other software too that many professionals use for their shadow creation service.

Since adding or adjusting the shadow to your product image is important for your sales, you should have quality shadow creation service information in your pocket. Or else, you may end up hiring a less-skilled shadow creation service provider, and it will ruin your investment.

However, you must understand that the service for shadow creation isn’t all about adding shadow to your existing images. At times, the image needs to remove unwanted shadows that divert the viewer’s attention from the main object of the image to the corners. Also, depending on the existing shadow quality, sometimes you may want it to adjust its rightness or white balance. A shadow creation expert will judge your image and do all shadow creation, removing, and adjusting jobs.

Hence, you get rid of the burden of maintaining all of your product images in immaculate condition with the proper shadow. So, you can invest the time in your marketing for the product sales.

When you contact an expert photo editing service provider, he can quickly transform a dull-looking and unattractive image into a charming and wholesome one just by adding or adjusting its shadow with a few steps using the photo editing software.

However, you can just add any shadow to your product image and hope it will look awesome. The editor must pay attention to the photo details and adjust the shadow accordingly.

Which software is used to create a shadow on images?

There’s no competitor to Adobe Photoshop when it comes to editing photos and product images. So, photo editing experts trust Adobe Photoshop for drop shadow services. They use different effects and editing techniques of Adobe Photoshop to create, add, drop and adjust shadows on your product images to enhance their awesomeness and look.

Who Needs Shadow Drop Service?

The shadow is an integral part of any image. It controls the look of the image largely. Hence, adding and adjusting the shadow of the captured image is essential in keeping the image in perfect quality. Also, it will decide how your overall product image would look like truly.

If you are in the following sectors, you would want shadow making service:

  • E-commerce site owners
  • Online sellers in Facebook, Instagram, and other social media
  • Advertising agencies
  • For billboards and posters, if you use them for advertising products
  • Product and food photographers

But the application of shadow creation isn’t limited to these sectors only. You can apply and take the help of the shadow-making service in any image for any purpose to make it attractive and awesome.

When Do You Need Shadow Creation Service?

To answer this question precisely, we may say that shadow creation aims to improve its overall quality and enhance its aesthetics. But when and why do you need the shadow creation?

Well, the completion of the online and offline market is increasing rapidly. Hence, you must stay ahead of your competitors in every possible aspect. And one way of staying ahead of the competitors is to make your product images better than them.

When your product images have the proper shadow, viewers will eventually find it eye-pleasing, so that they will consider it seriously. It is crucial as consumers scroll down pages after pages to find their right products.

But how do they treat their products, and what influences their buying decision?

According to Justuno, product image directly influences 93% of buying decisions of the clients. So, it is needless to say that an awesome product image will more likely convert your potential viewers into buyers.

Also, 78% of online shoppers say they want product images that bring the product close to their real-life and feel pretty realistic. Therefore, you would want to look at your product and food images as realistic as possible.

However, controlling the right shadows for your products and food menus isn’t always possible in indoor photo shoots. At times, the camera will over-saturate the shadow, and other times, the camera will fail to capture the shadow details of the image.

Hence, when you assume the product and food images are dull or have an inappropriate shadow around them, you must take the help of a shadow creation service provider. You will quickly make your product images attractive to your viewers and clients when you use shadow make service and simple photo retouching service.

Also, a good shadow drop and creation service provider will help you edit, retouch, and manage your hundreds of thousands of product images better and easier.

Types of Shadow Creation Service

There’re many shadow creation service types. The actual classifications will depend on the client’s requirement and the images you will send for editing and retouching. Some of the common shadow-making services include the following ones.

Natural Shadow Creation

As the name suggests, the natural shadow creation is making the image shadow as close to natural as possible.

When photographers capture any image, in general, it already contains a shadow. However, the shadow may look unnatural and dull when the photo background and surface aren’t reflective enough or your setup has bad lighting. Also, cameras often fail to capture the natural light, especially in indoor conditions where you capture the most product and food images.

Hence, photo editors will remove any unwanted shadow or adjust the shadow effects along with the color tone to make the shadow more realistic and attractive.

Drop Shadow Service:

Shadow drop service refers to the process of adding or dropping, the shadow behind or below the product image. There’re many filters in Adobe Photoshop that come with preset shadow settings. Photo editors use them to drop the most realistic shadow behind or below the product images.

Expert editors can control the opacity of the dropped shadows on the image of the products. What’s more, there’s also an option to control the direction of the falling shadow to the images so that it looks realistic, not artificial.

Drop shadow to any image looks more like a floating one, and viewers will find it pretty attractive and natural.  So, they will be more likely to get engaged with the product, and you will get a better conversion rate.

Mirror Effect Shadow Service:

Mirror effect or image refection shadow service aims to give the product image a reflective background or surface. Thus, the product background or surface will look like a mirror, reflecting the product image. So, viewers will perceive it as a 3D image and also boots the image anesthetics and quality.

As the background or surface of the image works as a mirror and has the reflective capacity, this shadow creation process is known as the mirror effect or reflection shadow creation service.

Mirror effect shadow creation can be applicable for the following items:

  • Jewelry and showpieces
  • Plastic bottles
  • Sunglasses
  • Ceramic products
  • Medical products

The aim is to give the images a 3D look so that consumers can have a better idea about their physical appearance. Hence, your conversion rate for the product will increase significantly.

Retaining Original Shadow

At times you just want to retain the original shadow of the image, but want slight retouching for it. This process is known as retaining the original shadow service.

Your product image’s original shadow may often look dull, dim, or inappropriate due to improper lighting conditions, inaccurate background, or photography techniques. Whatever may be the reason, Photoshop experts can quickly adjust the imperfections of the shadow. Hence, the original shadow recreation will be perfect and bring the true aesthetics of the product to boost your sales.

The Fee Shadow Creation Service

The fee for the shadow creation service depends on many aspects. Usually, the service provider will decide the shadow creation service cost based on the following factors:

  • Shadow creation type: Do you need simple retouches to retain the original shadow? Or, do you want a complete drop-down of the shadow to your image? It will determine the cost largely.
  • Numbers of images: The number of images that you send for shadow creation will also affect the cost. When you take the service for a bulk of images, the cost per image shadow creation will reduce considerably.
  • Delivery time: Do you want an express delivery for the shadow creation? Or, can you wait for the regular delivery time? It is crucial since the delivery time will affect the cost for shadow creation service considerably.

Depending on all these important factors, you will need to finalize the cost. The average cost for shadow creation per image may vary from $0.25 to $5.00.

Final Words

The Shadow creation is an excellent way to enhance the image quality of your product. It will also boost your conversion rate and sales superbly. Therefore, the need to opt for a high-quality shadow creation service is of prime importance for your online and offline shops. It will help you stay ahead of the possible competitors and enhance the brand value of your company or shop.

Also, when your product or food image has a realistic and attractive shadow, clients will love scrolling the image. It sends them positive feedback, and they will have an engaging impression about your online or e-commerce site. Thankfully, the awesomeness of the shadow creation service is pretty affordable compared with its pricing. So, what’re you waiting for?

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ImageexpertIndia offers cooperation through its unique large-account program, for customers who have more than 100 images a month.

If you would like to place a one-time order, please note that we require a minimum of 500 images.

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